The Heartland Institute
The Heartland Institute is one of the world’s leading free-market think tanks. It is a national nonprofit research and education organization based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems.
We are an “action tank” as well as a “think tank,” and we measure our success by the impact we have in the real world. The Heartland Institute plays an essential role in the national (and increasingly in the international) movement for personal liberty and limited government. We are the pipeline between the freedom movement’s leading writers and thinkers and the nation’s 8,400 national and state elected officials.
Because we are effective, we have been the subject of unfair criticism and even libel by various liberal advocacy groups, elected officials, and even Wikipedia. Please see the “Reply to Our Critics” page where we answer our critics and set the record straight. We hope you will defend us, when you can, in the comments fields of websites that defame us and in conversations with friends and colleagues.

EIKE (European Institute for Climate and Energy) is an association of a growing number of nature, humanities and economists, engineers, journalists and politicians who regard the assertion of climate change as solely „man-made“ as not scientifically rigorous and neglects known solar and other natural influences. EIKE, therefore, opposes „climate policy“ which is based solely on GHG reduction because of its negative impacts on the economy and the wider population and the consequent tax burden it creates on people, especially those in energy poverty. Within the framework of its tasks, EIKE offers members and partners a platform for the discussion and publication of scientific findings. EIKE produces appraisals at national and international levels, organizes symposia and congresses. In addition, EIKE participates in the education and education of the population and supports the establishment of political initiatives by providing scientific expertise. If you are interested, please contact us.
EIKE was founded in February 2007 and is financed by voluntary contributions from its members as well as donations. The association has been registered with the Jena district court.
Some members of EIKE are active with CDU, SPD or FDP. In this case, they commit themselves to non-partisan cooperation.
President of the institute is the publisher Dr. Holger Thuss from Jena.
At the heart of CFACT, our goal is to enhance the fruitfulness of the earth and all of its inhabitants. CFACT accomplishes this through four main strategies:
- Prospering Lives. CFACT works to help people find better ways to provide for food, water, energy and other essential human services.
- Promoting Progress. CFACT advocates the use of safe, affordable technologies and the pursuit of economic policies that reduce pollution and waste, and maximize the use of resources.
- Protecting the Earth. CFACT helps protect the earth through wise stewardship of the land and its wildlife.
- Providing Education. CFACT educates various sectors of the public about important facts and practical solutions regarding environmental concerns.
Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. CLINTEL’s main objective is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change as well as the effects of climate policy. To this end:
1. The Foundation tries to communicate objectively and transparently to the general public what facts are available about climate change and climate policy and also where facts turn into assumptions and predictions.
2. The Foundation conducts and stimulates a public debate about this and carries out investigative reporting in this field.
3. The Foundation wants to function as an international meeting place for scientists with different views on climate change and climate policy.
4. The Foundation will also carry out or finance its own scientific research into climate change and climate policy.
CLINTEL wants to take the role of independent ‘climate watchdog’, both in the field of climate science and climate policy.
World Climate Declaration
The climate view of CLINTEL can be easily summarized as: There is no climate emergency. Guus Berkhout therefore initiated the World Climate Declaration, a one-page summary of the view of many climate realists in the world. The Declaration is a living document that is frequently changed based on input from all its ambassadors and other experts. The most up-to-date version of both the Declaration and the list of signatories can be found on